Mar 2020
Dear Reader The term ‘social distancing’ is for us all, relatively new, and it will remain in our vocabulary for a long long time to come. It will forever be recorded in human history in a way that other global events have. The concept of social distancing, however, is not new and is in fact ancient. In Jesus’ day people followed the ancient Levitical laws, which meant that anyone showing the symptoms of dreaded diseases were required to keep their distance. Familiar???? There were ten suffering lepers regarded as unclean and necessarily......
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Mar 2020
Dear Reader Who would have though that in a mater of weeks all our lives would be changed. Indeed life in general is very different and unusual for us all. Isn’t it the case that at times we really do take so much for granted? At the beginning of the outbreak there was a lot of ‘panic buying’ which is perhaps a euphemism for greed. I think things are easing though. That said I have never met a greedy or a rich person before. Everyone usually says that they are just ‘comfortable’......
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Mar 2020
Dear Reader In Paul”s letter to the Galations he speaks about the fruits of the Spirit one of which is patience. It is patience I have in mind for us to think about today. I wonder how you are all doing in this present ‘lock in’. Has annoyance and irritation set in yet being in each others company all day long? I imagine it must be especially difficult for those who live in smaller houses with their families. If you are not able to go to another room to watch tv or......
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Mar 2020
Dear Reader There are many passages in the bible that have become more familiar than others and some we recognise as hymns. Some denominations only ever use the psalms in their services. The psalms speak to us today because they seem to express what we feel and it is comforting to realise that someone so long ago felt just as we do today as they wrote them. Jesus himself quoted the psalms and he would have been familiar with them and indeed found in them the words that described his innermost feelings.......
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Mar 2020
Dear Reader The term ‘locked down’ is being used to describe our current pandemic, but for most people it is perhaps a feeling of being ‘locked in” Our movement is restricted for good reasons and being behind locked doors is the safest place to be. Fear of catching the Coronavirus is a real fear especially for the elderly and the young, although everyone is vulnerable. The disciples of Jesus experienced fear and they too locked themselves behind closed doors, only their fear was about what might happen to them because they were......
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Mar 2020
Dear Congregation Many people around the world are facing hitherto unknown and troublesome situations and for some the tragedy and realisation of losing a loved one. For many separation, isolation and financial hardship are burdens that are too heavy to bear and people are needing comfort, reassurance, understanding and help. There is help to be found and there are numerous and wonderful examples of humanity at its best. We can help, and we ourselves can be helped. Our God given imagination enables us to sympathise, empathise and help ease the burdens of......
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Mar 2020
Dear Congregation, I trust that you are as well as can be in these unfamiliar days. Who could have thought that life would change so dramatically in such a short time?. I am remembering you all and your loved in my thoughts and prayers. I have been encouraged too by your thoughtfulness and it is good to receive your messages. Although this message is sent via the ‘office’ (Aileen is working from home and so am I) would you, if you if you would like to get in touch with me direct,......
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Mar 2020
Dear Congregation Please find for your encouragement and continuing hope and confidence, in these increasing times of uncertainty, verses from Paul’s letter to the Romans. It is good for us to share what we can via social media especially with the necessary restrictions we have to endure for the time being. With my thoughts and prayers. Jim ROMANS 8: 35, 38-39 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? For I am convinced that neither death nor......
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Mar 2020
Please find words that I’m sure you will find encouraging. These are words of Jesus speaking long ago but most relevant today. Please keep in touch with one another. I need your encouragement too as we are all affected one way or another and we all need to know that once this crisis is over we will get back together again. Grace and inner peace be with you. Jim MATTHEW 6: 25-34 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body,......
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Mar 2020
A thought for today. Exodus 16 verse 4 and following finds the Israelites in the wilderness. They asked for bread and the Lord provided manna. Each was to gather enough for the day and no more. In our present crisis, for that’s what it is ,we are all tempted to gather much more than we need, so much so that some people have to go without. Human nature is by its very nature self orientated. The need to survive is a very a powerful drive. Moses and the Israelites battled with their......
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