Scouts, Cubs and Beavers
Lord Robert Baden-Powell, Chief Scout of the World founded Scouting in 1907. Several decades later the 171st Glasgow (1st Whitecraigs) Scout Group was formed, first meeting on 25th May 1943 in Broom Church. 1953 saw a move to the premises at Broomcroft, which are still occupied by the Group today. We have grown to become one of the largest Groups in both Eastwood District and in Scotland. We provide fun, friendship and adventure for over 200 boys and girls. We currently have three Beaver Colonies, three Cub Packs and two Scout Troops. Scouting is an international, multi faith uniformed youth movement to which there are five sections.
Beaver Scouts | 6 to 8 years of age |
Cub Scouts | 8 to 10½ years of age |
Scouts | 10½ to 14 years of age |
Explorer Scouts | 14 to 18 years of age |
Scout Network | 18 to 25 years of age |
The aim of Scouting and indeed that of the 171st Glasgow Group is to promote the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential as individuals, responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities. Scouting and 171st Glasgow Group is open to any young person of any creed, race and mental or physical capability and of either sex. All sections within the 171st welcome both boys and girls.
Beavers meet on:
Mondays 5.45pm – 6.45pm
Tuesdays 6.15pm – 7.15pm
Wednesdays 6.00pm – 7.00pm
Beavers also have the opportunity to take part in events and activities organised by Eastwood District, for example the annual Beaver Fun day.
Beavers enjoy lots of fun activities both on Colony nights and during Colony sleepovers. Some of these are:
Cubs meet on:
Mondays 7.00pm – 8.30pm
Tuesdays 7.00pm – 8.30pm
Thursdays 6.45pm – 8.15pm
Cubs also have the opportunity to take part in events and activities organised by Eastwood District, for example Unihoc, Sports and competitions.
Cubs enjoy lots of activities both on Pack nights and during Pack Holidays and camping. Some of these are:
Scouts meet on:
Wednesdays 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Thursdays 7.30pm-9.30pm
Scouts also have the opportunity to take part in events and activities organised by Eastwood District, for example the Five-a-side football, swimming gala.
Scouts enjoy lots of activities both on Troop nights and during trips and camps. Some of these are:
To find out more about the Scouts or to add your child to the Group’s joining list, please go to or visit our Face Book Page ‘171st Glasgow Scout Group.