Jun 2020
Broom Parish Church will be open for private prayer and meditation on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, commencing Tuesday 23 June, from 10.30am. until 11.30am. All welcome...
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Jun 2020
Dear All Why is it that some days, for no apparent reason, we feel ‘down’? It’s a feeling we are all aware of I’m sure. Sometimes the weather affects us and we might, without knowing it, suffer from this aptly named Seasonal Affective Disorder (S. A. D.) or we just don’t feel good and accept the fact that there will be days like this. Some songs reflect our changing moods too don’t they, for example, ‘Mama told me there would be days like this’ in the words of a song by the......
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Jun 2020
Dear All It’s my guess that many of you will have a particular bible verse that you remember with ease, perhaps one remembered from childhood in Sunday School or in an R.E. class. One teacher I remember from school was a stern, joyless individual who wore a foostie old baubled cardigan in navy blue, who ‘taught’ the subject because somebody had to. It wasn’t her first subject, was it anyone’s first subject? and I don’t think she liked it. We hated it. From that, you will deduce that we would all rather......
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