Nov 2016

We will be holding a Partylite candle party on Tuesday 22nd of November at 7:30 PM in the Columba Hall. This is an ideal opportunity to buy some lovely Christmas presents, enjoy summer refreshments , And to start feeling festive before our Christmas fare the following Saturday. Entry is £2, payable at the door. All proceeds will be split between Jean flight and the Glasgow Street pastors. For further information, please contact Alison Marshall....
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Nov 2016

The order form application for 2017 has been submitted by 17th of November. The subscription price will remain on altered at £30 for the full year. The magazine contains most useful, informative information and commentary on what is happening in the Church both nationally and locally. To ensure we continue to order the correct number of copies, I will assume that you wish to continue with your subscription unless I hear to the contrary by 17th of November. Equally please let me know if you know wish to be a new subscriber......
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Nov 2016

Once again our Sunbeams, Brownies and Guides are taking part in this very worthy cause. If you would like to help and fill a box, please collect a leaflet from the table in the vesitable and bring your filled box to Church during October to early November. Thank you. Cindy Ross...
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Nov 2016

David Morgan wants to let the congregation know that he successfully completed the Amsterdam Marathon 2-16 in a time of 4 hours and 45 minutes. This was David’s first marathon and he was overwhelmed with the support shown to him by the congregation on Broom. With the impromptu retiral offering the week before the marathon, David raised a total of £281 in donations from the congregation for his chosen charity, Children with Camcer UK. In total David raised over £4000 for the charity and wished to thank everyone....
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