Monthly Archives: April 2020

Apr 2020
Thursday 2nd April Message

Dear Reader To begin and as an illustration, take a coin in your hand, and if you are able to look at the letters on the reverse (tails) side, you should see the letters, DG  REG  FD  along with the date and monarch. In doing this it might help to enter into the scene of our passage today. It’s a bit of fun too and If you do this simple thing you will never forget this story. I won’t tell you just now what the letters mean.   Perhaps though, you might......

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Apr 2020
Wednesday 1st April Message

Dear Reader ‘All the worlds a stage, and all the men and women merely actors. (William Shakespeare) You may ask ‘have I lost my marbles’ quoting Shakespeare early in the morning? Well actually no!  I’m no dafter today than I was yesterday. I think!! Being locked in, however, nobody would know. Jesus was confronted regularly and engaged in some serious arguments with a bunch of actors who preceded Shakespeare by a long time. These actors were religious and Jesus called them hypocrites. That’s what the word ‘hypocrite’ actually means. (check it out)......

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