Monthly Archives: April 2020

Apr 2020
Easter Saturday 11th April Message

Dear Reader This is the point in Holy week where Jesus along with his disciples and their hopes, expectations and claims finally hit the buffers. Jesus now dead and locked in (entombed) and the disciples isolated and dejected, the story ends. To make sure this troublesome upstart, Jesus, doesn’t cause more bother after his death, the authorities guard the tomb. How bleak, dark and hopeless everything must have seemed. Frightened for the future, perhaps regretting the past, what now for those who joined in following the man who gave them hope and......

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Apr 2020
Good Friday 10th April Message

Dear Reader, Today this phrase ‘ Social distancing’ will forever be etched in our minds and will now be part of our recorded world history. For those who can remember, possibly one or two of you maybe, during the war there were wardens policing the streets at night making sure no lights were visible which could attract threatening bombers. Life and limb depended on everyone doing there bit. We don’t have wardens policing the streets now, but we do have our regular cops and we can all help by making their jobs......

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Apr 2020
Maundy Thursday 9th April Message

Dear Reader Today is the day we call Maundy Thursday of Holy Week. It is the day we remember Jesus washing the disciples’ feet, an act of humility and servitude. It is a day when we consider a new commandment. Most of us if asked, ‘how many commandments are there?’, would probably say ‘ten’ and you would be correct in part. There are, however, more than ten commandments if you look for them. The ten commandments are known theologically as the decalogue. The word ‘Maundy’ is believed to come from the Latin......

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Apr 2020
Holy Week Services via Live Stream

HOLY WEEK SERVICES Maundy Thursday – 9 April Newton Mearns Churches Joint Maundy Thursday Service, 7.30pm broadcast on Newton Mearns Baptist Church livestream. The Service will be led by Revd Stuart Crawford Good Friday – 10 April Newton Mearns Churches Joint Good Friday Service, 7.30pm broadcast on Newton Mearns Baptist Church livestream. The Service will be led by Revd Jim Boag

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Apr 2020
Wednesday 8th April Message

Dear Reader One of the easiest things to give away and one of the hardest things to accept is ‘advice’. The ‘I know’ factor is often evident when you want to make a suggestion. Isn’t it the case, sometimes at least, that we receive a curt reply when we attempt to give a bit of ‘advice’ or just pass on some information? There are times when we simply don’t want to be told, and we or others stubbornly will not be told. It’s usually at that point, listen out for it, that......

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Apr 2020
Tuesday 7th April Message

Dear Reader, As we continue with our daily thoughts we remember all who are suffering directly and indirectly from the Coronavirus. We remember them in our prayers. Particularly we pray for our Prime Minister in hospital and all our politicians in their daily tasks in these unfamiliar and difficult times My purpose in sending you these ‘Daily Thoughts’ is to help keep a sense of continuity and togetherness in our current separation and hopefully, we will all be more appreciative and stronger in time. My thoughts too are for our families. Especially......

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Apr 2020
Monday 6th April Message

Dear Reader Everyone likes a good seat. I’m thinking of the theatre, cinema or anywhere that gives a good view in comfort, to hear and watch the show. It’s really annoying, though, when you’re about to park yourself in an empty seat and before doing so ask the daftest question,’Excuse me but is there anyone sitting here?’. Then comes an even dafter answer, ‘Yes! there is actually, but they’ve just nipped out to the toilet’. The seat is obviously empty or mysteriously occupied by an invisible individual who is still there but......

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Apr 2020
Sunday 5th April Message

Dear Reader Who would have imagined that just a few short months ago while the country was embroiled in Brexit negotiations (sorry to revive that troublesome word), party political campaigning and canvassing for a general election and all that happened as a result, we would all be facing this new and threatening global crisis? Previously the entire country was split. There were remainers and leavers and all sorts of nasty things were said and done. All that has now been superseded though, by a united country with the single aim of getting......

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Apr 2020
Saturday 4th April Message

Dear Reader Most mornings these days I have to check what day it actually is. Today doesn’t feel like a normal Saturday and for that matter, all the other day are kind of weird as well.  Quite apart from ‘social distancing ‘, I’m experiencing the effects of social deprivation (lack of personal contact), how about you? There is a saying that says ‘Absence makes the heart grow fonder’.   It does, but by contrast, however, I believe that for some people, being cooped up day after day with the same folk will......

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Apr 2020
Friday 3rd April Message

Dear Reader Yesterday I asked you to look at a coin and note the letters on the reverse side (tails) I should have said the obverse side (heads) I clearly don’t know my heads from my tails. Isn’t it amazing to observe the better side of human nature? The kindness, generosity and dedication of so many individuals and groups in this time of crisis is truly wonderful. Last night we stood in the garden and clapped in appreciation at the many workers who in normal times would barley receive a second thought.......

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